WINGS is an SME company in Greece that delivers innovative, end-to-end digital solutions (software and hardware) and transformations for vertical sectors, namely; Environment / Nature, Utilities and Infrastructures, Production and Manufacturing and Service sectors, based on its extensive expertise in IoT, wireless infrastructures, AI and AR/VR challenges. It exploits advanced technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cloud technologies, Telecommunication Networks (4G, 5G, WiFi, Lora, etc.), advanced visualization techniques (Augmented / Virtual / Extended Reality (AR / VR / XR), mobile applications, etc.) aiming to provide extremely reliable solutions.
Role in the project
In the ACROSS research project, WINGS provides its extensive expertise in the development of test cases, providing the link between the ACROSS technologies and advance 5G/6G services. As of this WINGS will collaborate with the partners to contribute to the development of the test cases, to work on AI Federated Learning for anomaly detection in service traffic for system optimization in efficiency, scalability and traffic monitoring of the services and collaborate in the development of the architecture. WINGS exploitation activities aim to enhance its products development towards the support of intelligent automated processes, as well as advanced collaborative systems in which the digital, human and natural worlds are tightly connected.