
Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC) is a non-profit research institution based in Castelldefels (Barcelona, Spain). Research activities at the CTTC, both fundamental and applied, are organized in 9 research units managing 7 experimental testbeds. The activities cover terrestrial telecommunication, space and satellite communications, navigation, and geomatics. Artificial Intelligence and Function Virtualization are common and core tools shared by the different research units. CTTC has several international partnerships with companies in US, Canada, Australia, France, Qatar and UK, among others. Finally, CTTC is involved in many standardization and open-source communities devoted to do research on innovative technologies and solutions.

Role in the project

CTTC is leading the Work Package 4 and technically contributing to the definition, implementation, and validation of event-driven Zero-Touch Provisioning (ZTP) and Software-Defined SECurity (SD-SEC) for the transport and core network domains. The CTTC’s ADRENALINE testbed, a realistic modern environment of an End-to-End (E2E) network infrastructure providing distributed compute and storage resources, will be made available for the E2E validation of the ACROSS platform. CTTC’s leadership in the ETSI TeraFlowSDN (TFS) Open-Source Group (OSG), and its participation in the ETSI OpenSourceMANO (OSM) OSG, will be key to align the ACROSS platform with and contribute to TFS and OSM OSGs.